
Víctor Román Archidona

Building @loadfront. Husband. Father of three. Old computer things supporter. All things remote. Opinions are mine.

Update 2022/01/17: This page needs to be reworked.

Welcome to Víctor Román Archidona’s blog.

I was born the 16th of March, 1985, in Puertollano (Ciudad Real) and live in Ciudad Real from late 2005. I’m from the called “Y generation” or “millennial”.

Since I can remember I’m passionate about technical computing, introduced to her by my father with a ZX Spectrum and through MicroHobby magazine, where I spent long evenings with little more than four years enjoying those early microcomputers available to general public.

Along years I have been working on system administration and system engineering, mainly on those using the Linux kernel and others less known but widely used by big companies like AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris. I was a trainer for the last one.

I have coded with computers since I was very young, starting with the old Sinclair BASIC on the ZX Spectrum and going through languages like [C](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language), DIV, Go (which I’m learning), JavaScript, PHP, and Python; some I have used and use regularly and others of which I have very basics. They are not all, but the most remarkable for me.

Currently, I’m CEO and co-founder of a cloud service provider (domain registration, web hosting, cloud servers, and systems engineering) called LoadFront, S.L., where I do business and technical things. We have not become public yet, but are 100% operational.

I work through my company, and you may contract my services through it. You may also check my online curriculum vitae on my LinkedIn profile.

I am very fond of football and partner of my hometown team, the Calvo Sotelo de Puertollano.

Besides resume this blog, I did the same with my social profiles. I have a presence GitHub, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

You may reach me directly through the aforementioned social networks.