Walk the path

· 302 words · 2 minute read
Walk the path

Have you ever felt that you’re doing the right thing, but it’s hard to achieve?

When I started loadfront in September 2013 as a side project, I thought I could publicly launch the service in a year.

I ran into a wall.

Now, in 2025, I still haven’t launched the public website. That’s wild, twelve years and not having launched anything.

In these twelve years, I experienced the big emotional carousel linked to running a business: sometimes, I was high; sometimes, I was low.

Don’t get me wrong: I’ve made progress and gained users, some of whom started when I was a freelancer and others who came because of them.

Sometimes, I wondered if I had made an error trying to create an IaaS from scratch without external funding, pre-made artificial web templates, or using what other people use.

And you know what?

That’s what makes one service like every other. I don’t want to launch another one with a different name. It has no soul.

Over time, users and my family have let me know I’m on the right path and encouraged me to persist and achieve it.

And I trust them.

The formers are asking for previews, early access to services, and expansion of their existing ones.

The latter always worry about everything, so I have enough time to dedicate to this.

What has been my biggest mistake?

Trying to launch a perfect service.


I tried to launch an IaaS that was just perfect: cool web, stunning dashboard, mythological stability, etc.

And it’s a huge error. I’m a big fan of the lean startup methodology but failed to follow it.

I will fix that. Starting now.

Finally, I want to remind myself that overnight success is uncommon.

You have to walk the path, no matter how hard it is.

Photo by Urban Vintage in Unsplash